Apps Login page is not being displayed properly
Post date: Jul 20, 2010 10:45:50 AM
Error messages as found in error logs:
IAS Cache initialization failed. The Distributed Caching System failed to initialize on port: <port#>. The list of hosts in the distributed caching system is: <host_name>. The port <port> should be free on each host running the JVMs. The default port <port#> can be overridden using -Doracle.apps.jtf.cache.IASCacheProvidercacheProvider.port=<port number>
There are many reasons for this error. Some of the possibilites are discussed below:
1) Check for the parameters nprocs in the file jerv.conf and compare this with the no. of ports in
The rule is that the number of ports specified in should be greater than or equal to the total number of processes
mentioned in jserv.conf
2) If this is not the issue, then check for the entries in /etc/hosts file.
The mapping of the ip addresses of virtual name and the physical hostname might be wrong
3) If this also doesn't help then try to enable 'debug' parameter in the files httpd.conf, jserv.conf and and collect additional info w.r.t the error.